Arkansas Home Inspector

Home Inspections in Central Arkansas
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AR License HI #1570

Call (501) 412-7793


Richard Costello is a Little Rock, Arkansas Home Inspector with over 30 years in the home building industry. This expertise results in an objective, thorough, and consistently high quality home inspection.

(501) 412-7793

Home Inspection and More

Home Inspection Service Fees

A professional home inspection is essential to understanding the condition of the home. Home Inspection and More provides an extremely comprehensive review of the systems, photos, and detailed description of the observations. 

Home Inspection and More does not charge a Trip Fee, does not add extra charges based on age or condition. All costs to perform the home inspection are disclosed. The Inspection Fees are based on the total square footage of the conditioned floor area of the home, and out buildings are an extra charge normally $85.

Call today! or submit your Request for an Inspection and we will promptly respond with more information about our services.

Total Square Feet
0-1999 $ 300
2000-2499 $ 325
2500-2999 $ 375
>3000 Call

Home Inspection MONTHLY Discounts and Specials!

Special $25 off 0-1999 SF inspections
Coupon Code
Blower Door and Duct testing $200
Coupon Code
Military, Veterans & Nurses receive $50 OFF Home Inspection

Request a Home Inspection with Home Inspection and More

Home Inspection and More, LLC
815 Technology Dr. #242483
Little Rock, AR  72223

Richard Costello, #HI1570
(501) 412-7793
Email: Contact Page

Our Satisfied Customers!

" Thank you for all your hard work on inspecting this house and esp for catching that fire hazard. I've never heard of a house where the dryer vent was terminated in the attic, instead of being run outside. I did an addendum to have the sellers fix the issue with the dryer vent, the leaking furnace and to clear out the active wasp nest. I'd like to hire you again to inspect these three things once the sellers fix the issues, esp checking to make sure the dryer vent was fixed correctly.



Jeff G.
Home Buyer

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501.412.7793 Little Rock

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